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About us

"Ex-Cadetsin Canada" (ECC) is an informal organization of all the ex-cadets who hasparticipated in any of the Cadet Colleges of Bangladesh but eventually migratedto Canada.

CadetColleges are one of the best academic institutions in Bangladesh providingholistic upbringing to the Cadets. Since starting its journey in erstwhilePakistan in 1958, primarily as a feeder institution to the Armed Forces, theseelite institutions continue to groom the future leaders for Bangladesh DefenseServices. As it evolved, it not only contributed to the Armed Forces ofBangladesh but proved to be the makers of leaders in many other professions formany other countries of the world. Many of us are blessed to be in Canada andwe are together within the bond of ex-cadets.

ECC started its journey in 2011 to form a strong platform of ex-cadetsin order to promote the bond and further common shared interests. Since then,ECC continued to grow with addition of one member at a time, turning it into avery versatile, helpful, and credible platform for the ex-cadets in Canada. Inits endeavor to further its goal, ECC continues to evolve exploring various creativeways to help its members, means to contribute to the society they live in, andpromote the values of their beloved country Bangladesh and the home theyadopted in their heart – Canada. Ex-Cadets in Canada bring together twocountries, many cultures, and shared values.